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“Our Future Is Here Today”

The survival of dance rests on the shoulders of our youth.
Teach them well and our future will be strong.
You can choose to start educating tomorrow,
or you can choose to start educating now.
We choose to start now!

The goal of the Hip Hop ConnXion is to send a positive message to youths all over the world. These messages are clear:


To carry across the positive message of dance and movement
Dance and movement is an important part of expressing yourself. Set yourself free. Dance for the world. Dance for YOU!

Stay away from the negative influences of drugs
Drugs are the obstruction to a clear mind. Be strong and wise enough to “Just Say No!” In order for the world to grow healthy it must remain drug-free. It starts from the children. Keep them clean and they will grow to spread the word, and eventually help to educate the next generation on the harmful effects of drugs in our communities.


Education is fundamental
Education is the key to knowledge. Knowledge is the key to wisdom. Be wise, stay in school and go as far as you can to achieve your potential. Knowledge is the most powerful tool in the world. Make it yours!

Believe in yourself and you will achieve your dreams. All dreams CAN be reached!
Be confident in who you are and all you do. Know who you are inside and believe in yourself. You can do ANYTHING you put your mind to. If you believe, you can succeed.

Always remember,
”If you think I’m a Prince, I’m a Prince.
If you think I’m a pauper, I’m a pauper.
But it really doesn’t matter because I know who I am and that‘s all that counts.”


And finally…
“It’s not about who you beat, it’s about who you inspire”

© Hip Hop ConnXion, The ConnXion Experience In-Studio Convention, and THE ONE Street Dance Showcase own and license all copyright rights in the text, images, photographs, video, audio, graphics, user interface, and other content provided on this website, and the selection, coordination, and arrangement of such content, to the full extent provided under the copyright laws of the United States and other countries. You are prohibited from copying, reproducing, modifying, distributing, displaying, performing or transmitting any of the contents on this website for any purposes, and nothing otherwise stated or implied in the website without our express prior written consent. Systematic retrieval of data or other content from this website, whether to create or compile, directly or indirectly, a collection, compilation, database or directory, is prohibited absent our express prior written consent.

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